#Presse #radio : le chantier à La Clef
"le cinéma associatif La Clef sauvé, maintenant, place aux travaux"
#Presse #radio : le chantier à La Clef
"le cinéma associatif La Clef sauvé, maintenant, place aux travaux"
SAV sur Radio Canut s15ep14
Un mix de morceaux variés, des années 1970 à aujourd’hui ! Au programme : deux vieux groupes de punk japonais (Aunt Sally, INU), du punk danois (Lost Kids, Gorilla Angreb), quelques classiques post-punk (Martha and the Muffins, Bow wow wow, Bauhaus, Young marble giants), une touche de pop (Jeanines) et de musique synthétique (Moderne), une balade signée Nico et divers groupes de punk/hardcore d’hier (Cheryl, Fatal Microbes, Black Randy & the metrosquads, Hans-a-plast, New Hearts, Heimat-los, Really Red) et d’aujourd’hui (Hygiene, D.L.I.M.C.).
#radio #podcast #sav #radiocanut #punk #indie #pop #postpunk
Logging Amateur Radio Contacts Accurately Is Complicated
In the seven years since my first radio contacts, I now have a process for logging amateur radio contacts. However, it wasn't until I started working remotely more that I appreciated how logging amateur radio contacts accurately is complicated. This inaccurate logging was the cause of much frustration during the f
Happy Wednesday friends. We've enabled chat in quiet join mode with some calm video backdrops for a good ole #comfy #hangout.
If you could use a friendly place to get away feel free to #joinIn the chat or just quietly enjoy 100% comfy tunes by amazing independent artists from right here in the digital neighbourhood.
As usual, we'll run the stream and chat as long as friends are needing it and as we can keep mods.
Une sélection de nouveautés punk/indie/hardcore et autres ! Au programme : un extrait du futur nouvel album de Mdou Moctar, le nouveau disque de Belmont Witch, un nouveau groupe grenoblois (Proto), la réédition de classiques néo-zélandais (The Clean) et anglais (The Boys), une rareté exhumée de 1980 (W-2), une chouette découverte indie/pop (Donna Allen) et tout un tas d’autres sorties indie/punk (The Ghoulies, Seudo Youth, Silo Kids, Nunofyrbeeswax, Mommy Boys, Fashion Tips, 34 Trolley, New Adults, Cucuy).
DJs.social is a Mastodon server for DJs (and related fields) of any kind, including club DJs, radio, mobile sound-systems, livestreaming etc.
Find out more at https://djs.social/about or contact the admin @luka
#FeaturedServer #DJ #DJs #Music #Radio #SoundSystems #ClubDJs #Mastodon #Fediverse #FreeFediverse
#Radio picks of the day:
(This is a larger category, so descriptions have been left out to keep the thread size manageable.)
@rastapuls (in French)
🧵 1/3
I've been waffling about whether to do a small 🧵 about this, but here's a start
My first book, Low Power to the People, is ten years old this month 📻 💚
For the research, I embedded with people who, in a moment of simply boundless enthusiasm for the internet, said, ok but we want to build community #radio stations instead
Mastodon.Radio is a Mastodon server for radio enthusiasts including the amateur radio (ham radio) community, anyone interested in shortwave listening (SWL) etc. Come join us and talk radio, technology, and more!
You can find out more at https://mastodon.radio/about or contact the admin @M0YNG
#FeaturedServer #Radio #AmateurRadio #HamRadio #SWL #Shortwave #ShortwaveListening #Mastodon #Fediverse #FreeFediverse
Hi there! Here's a new episode of our mighty fine radio-show-or-podcast-thing "The In-Tray", filled to the brim, as always, with quality tunes from the last year-or-two, ranging from ambience thru global grooves into psychedelia, post-rock, dub and jazz - sometimes all at the same time. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose, eh?
Share and enjoy!