读过 I Am America 🌕🌕🌑🌑🌑
这本书里 Stephen Colbert 这名伪共和党人给大家普及一下共和党基本盘的基本素质,也没什么(😛),就是一些厌女恐同仇外自大拥护父权好战的集大成者,本以为会很好笑的,但听他读出来整本书都是这种讽刺,而当我认识到美国确实有很多人一辈子坚定地信仰着这套我就笑不出来了,我还是喜欢听 Jon Steward 正面硬刚脱掉他们的遮羞布,Jon Steward 也助声演了,那段没认真听,考虑重新听听那段。
Helloooo! Let's try this #introduction #mastodon.. #newhere
I'm Caroline from The Netherlands, have been eyeing all the beautiful #photography accounts (amongst others)
Hope to connect on this platform!
Other interests: #sleeptoken #coffee #sarcasm #mentalhealth #psychology #science #sciencefunfacts #metalmusic #blues #soul #love #kindness #helpingothers and so on
I'm not, in any way, shape or form a photographer but here are some shots 😆
Edited 10d ago