"When indeed shall we learn that we are all related one to the other, that we are all members of one body? Until the spirit of love for our fellow people, regardless of race, color, or creed, shall fill the world, making real in our lives and our deeds the actuality of human brother- and sisterhood, until the great mass of the people shall be filled with the sense of responsibility for each other's welfare, social justice can never be attained." ~ Helen Keller
Writing a re- #introduction since I've been here for a bit & new folks are joining #Mastodon.
I'm from #Appalachia which is a largely #Rural part of the #US. I #Crochet & hope to learn #Gardening & #Sewing. I love finding #Indie #coffee shops & #Book stores when I #Travel. I daydream about living #OffGrid in a cabin full of books. #SocialJustice & #ClimateJustice are important to me. I'm still learning about the #Fediverse & how to untether from #Corporations.
I want #SocialMedia to be social so I like to #FollowBack & #Boost others.
Hey #solarpunk people from outside of the Global North!
@SolarpunkConference would like to hear your voices on why they should allow you to watch their online #conference without having a credit card compatible with the US payment system!
Do we have anyone from #Ukraine or anywhere in #Africa ? #Brazil ? #India ? #southAmerica ? #southEastAsia ?
#globalSouth #socialJustice #climate #climateChange #event #futurism #hope #hopepunk #anarchism