I'm still waiting for the detailed results of my sleep study, but my doc sent me a message saying that as we knew already, I need to be back on cpap.
My previous DME screwed me over and repo'ed my machine*, and because of that, my insurance won't go with another DME unless I pay a copay.**
I haven't had a decent night's sleep (aside from my sleep study) since my machine was taken and my sleep schedule is in shambles, so I really, really need to get one again.
It's going to be another few weeks before they figure out my settings, so I have about 21 days to raise funds for the copay so I can sleep again.
Thanks for reading!
Stripe: https://donate.stripe.com/eVaaIzcPLe26bL24gg
Paypal: https://paypal.me/jorjcardas
CashApp: https://cash.app/bengesko
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