in the #arXiv
A New Strategy for the Exploration of Venus
by the VEXAG Exploration Strategy Study Analysis Workgroup
#Venus #PlanetaryScience #Astrodon #Science #STEM #planet #planets #solarsystem #engineering #news
in the #arXiv
A New Strategy for the Exploration of Venus
by the VEXAG Exploration Strategy Study Analysis Workgroup
#Venus #PlanetaryScience #Astrodon #Science #STEM #planet #planets #solarsystem #engineering #news
In this week’s public lecture, #mpsgoettingen scientist Paul Hartogh takes us on a trip through the extreme atmosphere of #Venus. Is there evidence of life in the planet’s clouds of sulfuric acid? Find out more this Thursday! In German.
#Göttingen #MaxPlanck #Astronomie #Sonnensystem #Planeten #Planetenforschung #Venus #ÖffentllicherVortrag #Vortragsreihe #MPSGoettingen #Astrodon