I just published version 1.9.0 of the slixmpp #python #xmpp library, check out the blog announcement for more details: https://blog.mathieui.net/slixmpp-1.9.0.html
Domanda delle 21:40 qualcuno usa giornalmente il protocollo #xmpp ? Che client usate? Per android vedo che fanno un po tutti abbastanza pena forse si salva #monocles, come funzionano le integrazioni come chiamate video chiamate sticker ecc.. Su che server vi siete registrati e perchè? (Ho un account #disroot ma non riesco a collegarlo su altre app ho un vecchio collegameto solo su #cheogram ma se provo a fare il login su altre app non va 🤔) continua....
Μωράκια εδώ θα είμαι σήμερα...
#xmpp #movim
Absolutely nobody knows what an XMPP address is, so just go ahead and call it a:
#XMPP #Conversations_im #Jabber
Options: (choose one)
Just over three weeks remain until the 27th #XMPP Summit takes place in Brussels. If you’re planning to attend but haven’t registered yet, please make sure to add your name to the wiki by the end of this week: https://wiki.xmpp.org/web/Conferences/Summit_27
If you’re an XMPP developer or spec author and weren’t planning to attend, I’d strongly encourage you to reconsider
For those who can’t make it to Brussels but will be in Berlin on Wednesday, February 12th, we’ll be discussing the Summit at that week’s XMPP Meetup
Looking for nice software to selfhost on very moderate hardware these days is like:
"add this to your kubernetes cluster // terraform something....// This is your docker compose file..."
I just want an efficient program, bare metal, also not three reverse proxys in a row.
And also I'm not running some supercluster in the "cloud".
Seems everyone virtualizes everything and abstracts everything, containers in containers in VMs. Even "normal" mastodon hosters, I mean I understand if people use it for running something like running Instagram, OK.
And then many still have quite often some downtime because (I guess?) in all this complexity, that exists to add reliability, there are config errors or incompatibilities.
I Love I've found snac and the prosody xmpp server, they run on a potato, snac only since this year, prosody since 10y, started on a raspberrypi1b. And they have no downtime. I want more like that. I don't know the right Hashtags. Is this #permacomputing? I guess that's even much more basic and closer to the hardware?
#snac #prosody #xmpp #tinyweb #tinyfedi #rant #shitpost
#XMPP enthusiasts out there: what would you say the ultimate Achilles heel of the XMPP ecosystem is, at present? Fragmentation of clients? What?
My sense is that it's this: when one goes to store an XMPP address in one's addressbook, there doesn't seem to be standard way to store an XMPP address. #Android doesn't have that as an allowable field, and #Thunderbird and #Nextcloud have an "Instant Messaging" field, where the type can be set to "XMPP". But are these two compatible with each other when trying to sync between them? Edit: Yes, but there's a catch: *the XMPP address must be prefixed with "xmpp:"*
So "user@foo.bar" is not an OK XMPP address, but "xmpp:user@foo.bar" is.
Then to make matters worse, now there's a wish to change the labeling of "XMPP Address" to "Chat ID": https://gultsch.social/@daniel/114012904576436518
It might be a long time before the address synchy-ness ever works again between Android <-> #Davx5 <-> Nextcloud <->Thunderbird
Note: Android allows a "Jabber" type for an IM address, where you *don't* prefix the address with "xmpp:".
(#DeltaChat gets to gloat hard here, as they have plain-old email addresses)
#prosody #conversations #gajim #dino #snikket #monocles #monal
I read here that #Matrix / #Element has a dark history of funding and developing by the (original) Israeli company #Amdocs. I don't know if this is still the case, but alarming it is.
So maybe I need to move away from Matrix. But to where? I really tried to endorse #XMPP, but two important issues stopped me.
1. Fluent multi-device support. I don't need to explain this I think.
2. Always end-to-end encryption for DM's and (at least by default) group chats.
Because we are now living in the year 2025, are both issues now fully resolved?
This weeks #Fedibruary topic was an #XMPP / #Jabber server and following a suggestion here on masto (thanks @erebion !) I installed Prosody .
In a move which probably made my life harder overall, I decided to install within our network and not on a public server. This is a problem because XMPP servers push mail to each other like SMTP... which I should have remembered before hand....
Anyway, I did successfully set up #Prosody and did some experiments, messaging to my #xmpp.social account and a second account I had created on the private server.
Because (i believe) of split dns issues i was having the users on my private server can't share media or files . I hope that would be a matter of correctly configuring dns and the issue might go away.
I'd have liked to have done a better job of this one but I think this is a valid proof of concept and I will be storing my notes ("documentation") away for a future live deployment.
Even though #Signal *itself* has sound security - taken in isolation - it's always moored in an ecosystem (that of smartphones which run #iOS or #Android) which, by default, have #AI set up to shoulder-surf Signal, sending reports back to the mothership. In #iOS, that AI is called "#Apple Intelligence", and in #Android, it's called #Google Assistant. Repeat, these are on by default. *Only a small percentage of your family, friends, colleagues, and fellow country-persons will pain-stakingly disable these.*
Sure, Signal itself is secure by default, but "a chain is only as strong as its weakest link". And the weakest link is the ecosystem which Signal is moored in - that of smartphones policed and patrolled by AI, which report back to their respective motherships *in a strong majority of cases*.
Alternatives like #Deltachat (for normies willing to open their wallets/purses to rent an auto-crypt-compatible email address) and #XMPP (easily free to use, however realistic and mature only for non-iOS/#MacOS-users at present) have comparable E2E encryption. Deltachat and XMPP *don't* require smart-phone "moorings" - thereby making it much more realistic to dodge the almost-pervasively AI-patrolled ecosystems.
Thunderbird is a free open source communications suite (supports email, RSS, XMPP, IRC, Matrix, Usenet). They have an official video account at:
➡️ @thunderbird
They've already posted 29 videos, if these haven't federated to your server yet you can browse them all at https://tilvids.com/a/thunderbird/videos
They also have a general social media account at @thunderbird@mastodon.online
#FeaturedPeerTube #Thunderbird #Email #XMPP #IRC #Matrix #FOSS #PeerTube #PeerTubers