{'plainText': "George Orwell. Susan Sontag. Sigmund Freud. Margaret Mead. These giants and dozens more appeared in BBC interviews, documentaries, and films, offering insights on their work and their world. This remarkable compilation gathers archival footage--much of it available for the first time since its original airing--featuring some of the greatest minds of the 20th century. The collection includes rarities such as the only surviving voice recording of Virginia Woolf, J.R.R. Tolkien reading in his invented Elvish language, disquieting footage of participants in Stanley Milgram's experiments in the human capacity for cruelty, and Jane Goodall discovering behavioral links between humans and chimpanzees. As a real-life compilation of historic moments, it's beyond compare; as an overview of the social and political forces of the 20th century, it's compelling viewing and an exceptional glimpse of the geniuses who have shaped the modern world.", '__typename': 'Markdown'}