The Elements of Style
The Original Edition
William Strunk
The original edition of the most trusted writer's guide to American English, this is the book that generations of writers have relied upon for timeless advice on grammar, diction, syntax, sentence construction, and other writing essentials. In brief and concise terms, author William Strunk, Jr., identifies the principal requirements of proper American English style and concentrates on the most often violated rules of composition.
Originally published in 1918, this authoritative and engagingly written manual retains its immediacy and relevance. Strunk begins with the basic rules of usage, offering accessible explanations of correct punctuation and grammar. His advice on the principles of composition cites concrete examples of how to maintain clarity by eliminating redundancy and unnecessary embellishment. In addition, Strunk provides valuable pointers on avoiding common errors in the usage of words and expressions, and in spelling. The greatest book of its kind, this volume is a must for any student or writer.
风格的要素 北京联合出版公司 2017
简洁的原理(英文版) 人民日报出版社 2017
风格的要素:简明英语写作圣经(汉英对照)(附赠书) 新华出版社 2017
英语写作手册:风格的要素 外语教学与研究出版社 2016
The Elements of Style 寫作風格之要素 商務印書館(香港)有限公司 2016
The Elements of Style The Style Manual Press 2013
风格的要素 民主与建设出版社 2012
英文写作风格的要素 所以文化事业有限公司 2011
风格的要素 中央编译出版社 2009
The Elements of Style Longman 2008
The Elements of Style Penguin Books 2007
The Elements of Style Illustrated Penguin Press HC, The 2005
The Elements of Style KT Publishing 2004
The Elements of Style Longman 1999
The Elements of Style, Fourth Edition Longman 1999
英文写作指南 上海译文出版社 1992