Narcissus and Goldmund
ISBN: 9780553275865
Hermann Hesse
出版社: Bantam USA
发行时间: 1984
装订: Mass Market Paperback
价格: GBP 6.99
页数: 312
Hermann Hesse
Hesse's novel of two medieval men, one quietlycontent with his religion and monastic life, theother in fervent search of more worldly salvation.This conflict between flesh and spirit, betweenemotional and contemplative man, was a life study forHesse. It is a theme that transcends all time.The Hesse Phenomenon "has turned into a vogue,the vogue into a torrent. . .He has appealed bothto. . . an underground and to an establishment. ..and to the disenchanted young sharing his contemptfor our industrialcivilization."-- The New York Times Book Review
纳尔奇思和歌尔得蒙 人民文学出版社 2023
纳尔奇思与歌尔得蒙 2022
纳尔齐斯与歌尔德蒙 贵州人民出版社 2018
纳尔奇思与歌尔得蒙 北京工业大学出版社 2018
纳齐斯与戈德蒙 上海译文出版社 2018
纳尔奇思与歌尔得蒙 译林出版社 2015
知识与爱情 上海三联书店 2013
纳尔齐斯和歌尔德蒙 上海译文出版社 2011
纳尔齐斯与歌尔德蒙 上海译文出版社 2007
Narcissus and Goldmund Peter Owen Ltd 2006
纳尔齐斯与歌尔德蒙 上海译文出版社 1998
纳尔齐斯与歌尔德蒙 上海译文出版社 1984
Narziß und Goldmund. Erzählung Suhrkamp Verlag 1975
Narcissus and Goldmund Penguin 1971
精神与爱欲 None
知識與愛情 志文出版社 None
纳尔奇思与歌尔得蒙(全译本)(精)/经典译文 四川文艺出版社 None