Sense and Sensibility
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Jane Austen
Marianne Dashwood wears her heart on her sleeve, and when she falls in love with the dashing but unsuitable John Willoughby she ignores her sister Elinor's warning that her impulsive behaviour leaves her open to gossip and innuendo. Meanwhile, Elinor, always sensitive to social convention, is struggling to conceal her own romantic disappointment, even from those closest to her. Through their parallel experience of love - and its threatened loss - the sisters learn that sense must mix with sensibility if they are to find personal happiness in a society where status and money govern the rules of love.
This edition includes explanatory notes, textual variants between the first and second editions, and Tony Tanner's introduction to the original Penguin Classic edition.
理智与情感 2021
理智与情感 上海译文出版社 2020
理智与情感 人民文学出版社 2017
Sense and Sensibility Vintage Classics 2014
理智与情感 2011
理智与情感 上海译文出版社 2011
理智与情感 上海译文出版社 2010
理智与情感 世界图书出版公司 2010
理智与情感 译林出版社 2009
理智与情感 外语教研 2009
Sense and Sensibility Penguin Classics Hardcover 2009
理智与情感 中国出版集团,中国对外翻译出版公司 2009
理智与情感 世界图书出版公司 2009
理智与情感 外文出版社 2008
理智与情感 上海译文出版社 2008
理智与情感 2007
理智与情感 外语教学与研究出版社 2007
理智与情感 上海译文出版社 2006
Sense and Sensibility Penguin Books Ltd 2006
理智与情感 中国书籍出版社 2005
理智与情感 译林出版社 2004
理智与情感 2003
理智与情感 上海译文出版社 2002
理智与情感 北京燕山出版社 2001
理智与情感 上海译文出版社 1997
理智与情感 南海出版公司 1997
理智与情感 译林出版社 1996
Sense and Sensibility Penguin Classics 1994
Sense and Sensibility Wordsworth Editions 1992
Sense and Sensibility Bantam Classic 1983
理智与情感 湖南人民出版社 1983