The Lord of the Rings
50th Anniversary Edition
J. R. R. Tolkien
The Fellowship of the Ring, part one of J.R.R. Tolkien's epic masterpiece, and#64257;rst reached these shores on October 21, 1954, arriving, as C. S. Lewis proclaimed, "like lightning from a clear sky." Fifty years and nearly one hundred million American readers later comes a beautiful new one-volume collector's edition beand#64257;tting the stature of this crown jewel of our list. With a text fully corrected under the supervision of Christopher Tolkien to meet the author's exacting wishes, two large-format fold-out maps, a ribbon placemarker, gilded page edges, a color insert depicting Tolkien's own paintings of the Book of Mazarbul and exceptionally elegant and sturdy overall packaging housed within an attractive slipcase, this edition is the and#64257;nest we've ever produced.
魔戒 上海人民出版社 2023
The Lord of the Rings HarperCollins 2021
魔戒 上海人民出版社 2021
The Lord of the Rings Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 2021
The Lord of the Rings HarperCollins 2021
魔戒 上海人民出版社 2014
魔戒 上海人民出版社 2013
魔戒:插图版 译林出版社 2013
The Lord of the Rings Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 2012
魔戒(插图珍藏版) 译林出版社 2011
The Lord of the Rings HarperCollins 2008
The Lord of The Rings HarperCollins 2007
The Lord of the Rings HarperCollins Publishers 2005
The Lord of the Rings HarperCollins 2004
The Lord of the Rings HarperCollins 2004
The Lord of the Rings CD Gift Set HarperCollins Publishers 2002
The Lord of the Rings Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Trade 2002
THE LORD OF THE RINGS HarperCollins 2001
The Lord of the Rings HarperCollins 2000
The Lord of the Rings HarperCollins 1999
The Lord of The Rings HarperCollins 1999
The Lord of the Rings Grafton 1993