The Major Political Writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
The Two Discourses and the Social Contract
Jean-Jacques Rousseau 译者: John T. Scott
Individualist and communitarian. Anarchist and totalitarian. Classicist and romanticist. Progressive and reactionary. Since the eighteenth century, Jean-Jacques Rousseau has been said to be all of these things. Few philosophers have been the subject of as much or as intense debate, yet almost everyone agrees that Rousseau is among the most important and influential thinkers in the history of political philosophy. This new edition of his major political writings, published in the year of the three-hundredth anniversary of his birth, renews attention to the perennial importance of Rousseau’s work.
The book brings together superb new translations by renowned Rousseau scholar John T. Scott of three of Rousseau’s works: the Discourse on the Sciences and Arts, the Discourse on the Origin and Foundations of Inequality Among Men, and On the Social Contract. The two discoursesshow Rousseau developing his well-known conception of the natural goodness of man and the problems posed by life in society. With the Social Contract, Rousseau became the first major thinker to argue that democracy is the only legitimate form of political organization. Scott’s extensive introduction enhances our understanding of these foundational writings, providing background information, social and historical context, and guidance for interpreting the works. Throughout, translation and editorial notes clarify ideas and terms that might not be immediately familiar to most readers.
The three works collected in The Major Political Writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau represent an important contribution to eighteenth-century political theory that has exerted an extensive influence on generations of thinkers, beginning with the leaders of the French Revolution and continuing to the present day. The new translations on offer here will be welcomed by a wide readership of both Rousseau scholars and readers with a general interest in political thought.
社会契约论 上海译文出版社 2018
社会契约论 2017
社会契约论 浙江文艺出版社 2016
社会契约论 商务印书馆 2016
社会契约论 译林出版社 2014
社会契约论 武汉出版社 2012
社会契约论 2012
社会契约论 商务印书馆 2011
社会契约论 译林出版社 2011
社会契约论·论人类不平等的起源 2011
社会契约论 2010
社会契约论 2010
社会契约论 中国对外翻译出版公司 2010
社会契约论 2009
社会契约论 中国社会科学出版社 2009
社会契约论 北京出版社 2007
社会契约论 九洲出版社 2007
社会契约论 2006
社会契约论 陕西人民出版社 2006
The Social Contract Penguin 2004
社会契约论 商务印书馆 2003
On the Social Contract (Dover Thrift Edtions) Dover Publications 2003
On the Social Contract Hackett Publishing Co, Inc 1988
社会契约论 商务印书馆 1980
社会契约论 商务印书馆 1980
On the Social Contract Bedford Books 1978