The Social Contract
ISBN: 9780141018881
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
出版社: Penguin
发行时间: 2004
丛书: Penguin Great Ideas Series 1
装订: Mass Market Paperback
价格: GBP 4.99
页数: 176
The Social Contract
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization, and helped make us who we are.
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On the Social Contract (Dover Thrift Edtions) Dover Publications 2003
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