[英国] 简·奥斯汀
Emma , first published in 1816, was written when Jane Austen was at the height of her powers. In a novel remarkable for its sparkling wit and modernity, Austen presents readers with two of literature’s greatest comic creations—the eccentric Mr. Woodhouse and that quintessential bore, Miss Bates. Here, too, we have what may well be Jane Austen’s most profound characterization: the witty, imaginative, self-deluded Emma, a heroine the author declared “no one but myself will much like,” but who has been much loved by generations of readers. Delightfully funny, full of rich irony, Emma is regarded as one of Jane Austen’s finest achievements.
爱玛 2021
爱玛 江苏凤凰文艺出版社 2021
爱玛 人民文学出版社 2017
爱玛 北京联合出版公司 2016
爱玛 上海三联书店 2014
爱玛 上海译文出版社 2010
爱玛 译林出版社 2009
爱玛 长江文艺出版社 2008
爱玛 上海译文出版社 2008
爱玛 世界图书出版公司 2008
艾瑪 遊目族文化事業有限公司 2007
爱玛 上海译文出版社 2007
Emma Penguin Red Classics 2006
爱玛 2005
爱玛 人民文学出版社 2005
Emma Penguin Classics 2003
爱玛 上海译文出版社 2002
爱玛 译林出版社 2001
Emma Wordsworth Editions 2000
爱玛 上海译文出版社 1997
爱玛 外文出版社 1993
爱玛 浙江文艺出版社 1984
爱玛 漓江出版社 1982