Plato's Symposium
ISBN: 9780226042756
Seth Benardete
出版社: University of Chicago Press
发行时间: 2001
装订: Paperback
价格: USD 18.00
页数: 199
A Translation by Seth Benardete with Commentaries by Allan Bloom and Seth Benardete
Plato 译者: Seth Benardete
Plato's "Symposium" - translated here, and with a commentary - is arguably one of the greatest works on the nature of love ever written. It recounts a drinking party following an evening meal, where the guests include Aristophanes, Alcibiades and Socrates. The revellers discuss a variety of topics.
会饮 2018
會飲篇 商務印書館(香港)有限公司 2017
会饮篇 中译出版社 2016
会饮篇 2015
会饮篇 商务印书馆 2013
The Symposium Cambridge University Press 2008
Symposium Oxford Paperbacks 2008
會飲篇 左岸文化 2007
Le Banquet Flammarion 2007
The Symposium Penguin Books 2006
柏拉图的《会饮》 华夏出版社 2003
The Symposium Penguin Classics 2003
Symposium Hackett 1989
Plato Symposium Hackett Publishing Co 1989
Symposium Cambridge University Press 1980