Plato (Author) / K. J. Dover (Editor)
Plato's Symposium is the most literary of all his works and one which all students of classics are likely to want to read whether or not they are studying Plato's philosophy. But the reader does need help in appreciating both the artistry and the arguments, and in comprehending the social and cultural background against which the 'praise of love' is delivered. Sir Kenneth Dover provides here a sympathetic and modern edition of the kind that is long overdue. It consists of an introduction, the Greek text accompanied by a very abbreviated critical apparatus, and a commentary on the text which is intended to elucidate the Greek, to make the philosophical argument intelligible, and to relate the content of what is said to the concepts and assumptions of contemporary morality and society. An edition for students of Greek in universities and the upper forms of schools.
会饮 2018
會飲篇 商務印書館(香港)有限公司 2017
会饮篇 中译出版社 2016
会饮篇 2015
会饮篇 商务印书馆 2013
Symposium Oxford Paperbacks 2008
The Symposium Cambridge University Press 2008
Le Banquet Flammarion 2007
會飲篇 左岸文化 2007
The Symposium Penguin Books 2006
柏拉图的《会饮》 华夏出版社 2003
The Symposium Penguin Classics 2003
Plato's Symposium University of Chicago Press 2001
Plato Symposium Hackett Publishing Co 1989
Symposium Hackett 1989