The Book of Disquiet
The Complete Edition
Fernando Pessoa 译者: Margaret Jull Costa
For the first time―and in the best translation ever―the complete Book of Disquiet, a masterpiece beyond comparison
The Book of Disquiet is the Portuguese modernist master Fernando Pessoa’s greatest literary achievement. An “autobiography” or “diary” containing exquisite melancholy observations, aphorisms, and ruminations, this classic work grapples with all the eternal questions. Now, for the first time the texts are presented chronologically, including over 150 pages that have never appeared in any previous English edition. Most of the texts in The Book of Disquiet are written under the semi-heteronym Bernardo Soares, an assistant bookkeeper. This existential masterpiece was first published in Portuguese in 1982, forty-seven years after Pessoa’s death. A monumental literary event, this exciting, new, complete edition spans Fernando Pessoa’s entire writing life.
忧梦集 江苏凤凰文艺出版社 2024
不安之书 2022
不安之书 花城出版社 2021
不安之书【葡萄牙国宝级作家、欧洲现代主义大师费尔南多·佩索阿代表作!以遗稿《不安之书》震惊欧洲文坛!用生命书写的孤独,献给每一个孤独者的枕边书!豆瓣8.6!】 中国友谊出版公司 2019
惶然录 上海文艺出版社 2019
不安之書 野人 2017
惶然录 上海文艺出版社 2017
不安之书 中国文联出版社 2014
惶然录 上海文艺出版社 2012
The Book of Disquiet Serpent's Tail 2011
不安之书 湖南文艺出版社 2006
The Book of Disquiet Penguin Classics 2002
惶然錄 時報出版 2001
惶然录 上海文艺出版社 1995