To The Lighthouse
ISBN: 9781784870836
Virginia Woolf
出版社: Vintage Classics
发行时间: 2016
丛书: Vintage Classics Woolf Series
装订: 平装
页数: 256
Virginia Woolf
The serene and maternal Mrs. Ramsay, the tragic yet absurd Mr. Ramsay, together with their children and assorted guests, are holidaying on the Isle of Skye. From the seemingly trivial postponement of a visit to a nearby lighthouse, Virginia Woolf constructs a remarkable and moving examination of the complex tensions and allegiances of family life. One of the great literary achievements of the twentieth-century, To the Lighthouse is often cited as Virginia Woolf's most popular novel.
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To the Lighthouse OUP Oxford 2008
To the Lighthouse (Annotated) Harvest Books 2005
To the Lighthouse Vintage 2004
到灯塔去 人民文学出版社 2003
到灯塔去 上海译文出版社 2000
To the Lighthouse Penguin Books Ltd 2000
灯塔行 联经出版事业公司 1999
To the Lighthouse Penguin 1998
To the Lighthouse Oxford Univeristy Press 1998
To the Lighthouse Wordsworth Editions Ltd 1994
To the Lighthouse Everyman's Library 1992
To the Lighthouse Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1989
To the Lighthouse HarperCollins Publishers None