I am once again searching in my pockets for the phone I have in my hand.
2024神经多样性书单个人向推荐 via宅宅
1.1 taking charge of adult ADHD
十分推荐!可以先看作者Russell Barkley他的演讲
1.2 分心不是我的错&分心也有好人生
1.3 阿斯伯格综合症完全指南
2.1 aspergirls/你好我是阿斯伯格女孩
2.2 asperger on the job/你好我是阿斯伯格员工
2.3 ADD的人生整理术
另外taking charge of adult ADHD的chapter 16-23也是类似内容。
2.4 自闭症儿童社会规则训练
3. 自传型
3.1 La Différence Invisible
3.2 年轻Adhd的那些事:再一次拥抱自己
3.3 当adhd患者踏入职场
3.4 Unmasking Autism
4.1 被困住的聪慧:注意缺陷多动障碍的情绪问题
4.2 多动症商业猎人
4.3 身体会替你说不
5 以下求电子书资源!
超越行为/beyond behaviors,有中译版但本市图书馆没有藏这本,不想买
Workplace Neurodiversity Rising,要十美金
It's been awhile so I figured I'd do an updated #Introduction post:
Hi, I'm BeAware, sometimes I abbreviate it, BA. I am VERY passionate about decentralized systems like #ActivityPub and #Nostr and tend to discuss these topics at length. Especially the nuances of each and try to keep up with all the things regarding them.
I have #ADHD and #Hydrocephalus, which effects various aspects of my day to day life and how I think. I am also on disability because of it.
I am also very #AI-positive because it helps me with every day life. With my brain disorders, I don't think the same way others do, so AI helps me with describing things accurately and to make sure I get my point across in the way I mean to. I also tend to post #AIart from time to time to realize my creativity.
I'm a #Gamer that primarily plays PC games or games that are Cross Platform. Generally I enjoy #MMORPG, #SurvivalGames and such where I can just "zone out" and vibe without much stress.
Sometimes you'll see me discuss #Technology news as well.
If these seem to be within your interests, feel free to follow and if you have similar interests laid out in your bio, chances are good that ill follow back.
I've been here for a year and this is, by far, my favorite social media platform I've ever been on.
Thank for reading and may you be as federated as you wish!
1. 无人声;
2. lofi BGM+烹饪音效,不会觉得无聊;
3. 画面相对简洁,小当家流剪辑会吸走注意力的、;
「在原本autism的词汇中,不存在对于autism本身的歧视,当在英文语言环境中大家讨论用语时,考虑的通常是,person with autism「患有自闭症的人」,还是autistic person「自闭症人」,这些身份所属带来的歧视和误解。
mewo, everynyan cyberboy here with a new introduction.
in case this is the first time you've seen me around these parts, welcome, I'm here to make friends and share things that I think are neat. I don't bite (at least not without permission). i am a not a human, i am a cute floofy pansexual kitty cat and a therian that prefers he/him pronouns but you can use whatever you like when referring to me (get creative if you want).
i really love retrogames, the Pokémon series and all of the Pokémon games, especially rom hacks, I'm always open to nerding out about my favorite rom hacks and Pokémon stuff in general :3
since you've made it this far into my introduction please feel free to follow me, new friends are always welcome
#introduction #introductions #pansexual #neurodivergant #ADHD #retrogaming
I never did get around to writing an #introduction over here, did I? Not sure there's much point anymore, but here goes:
I'm rainey and I'm a shy weirdo who needs encouragement to let my freak flag fly. When I'm not being ooky, I'm shamelessly appreciating cute kittens and the like. (Here I pause and reach out to pet @netkitty ) Gen X, child-free, married, and an abject failure at adulting. The sunflower in my display name is the "invisible disability" symbol.
This is my third Mastodon account and second "definitely probably not a cult" experience (the first being pretty much the only reason I'm still on reddit). My first Masto account is @raineyday [MSTDN.games] where I talk about #GenshinImpact a lot, and my second is @raineyday@neurodifferent.me [NeuroDifferent.me] because I'm not autistic but I do have #ADHD and #Tourette, although I don't post to the second one very often and when I do, it tends to be boosts, memes, and information-seeking.
Anyhow, if you can't tell from my avatars, I'm a fan of the #AddamsFamily and #DoctorWho. I also despise #spoilers with the blazing heat of a trillion trillion suns, so always ask "How caught up are you with XYZ?" before discussing with me (and ponder for a moment why "Have you gotten to the part where they--?" is a terrible horrible no-good very bad way to ask).
I created this account on a Wednesday the 13th (naturally), but the timestamp on my account page got messed up and fails to reflect this. It's goth erasure, I'm tellin' ya! 🦇
I write blog-like toots on Wednesdays (of course) under the hashtag #raineyWednesday and tag @weirdfolks
I do my best to write good #AltText for my images. Even when I have low spoons, I strive for a bare minimum of "acceptable". I have similar standards for what I will boost. If there is no alt-text or it is insufficient, I will either leave it or I will "steal" the image to post myself with better alt-text. This applies to all of my accounts, of course.
I come to Mastodon for virtual human interaction and fun times, and while it's nice to take a break from politics and the news, please don't mistake that for me being so-called "apolitical". I am quite progressive-left and often wonder how it came to be that I had to trade in the label of "liberal" for that. Perhaps a combination of I moved forward a little bit and they moved backwards a lot? But that's enough of that topic. This is just background info, not my desired focus.
Currently, I am so nervous. 😅
Oh hey, you made it here.
I am new. I will list some things about me.
I live in the US 🇺🇸
I am a Black American🧑🏿🦱
I am a nonbinary person
My pronouns are they/them
I have diagnosed ADHD (you'll be able to tell)
I studied art in university (waste of time) 🎨
I love to write ✍🏿
I currently am (as of 2025) studying computer science in university🧑🏿💻
I previously had accounts on Wordpress and many other social media but frequently have breakdowns and delete them or abandon them.
I am so glad to meet you, and I can't wait to learn more about the communities around.
Thanks for listening!
Overdue #Introduction:
Hi, I am one of those computer touchers, located in #Berlin, in my late 20s, and this is my first time on any social media.
I have lots of interests (yes #ADHD), like #Vegan #Cooking, #Photography (often #Pets), anything #Space, #Gaming and #GameDev, recently #3DPrinting, trying to do good, the list goes on.
Really enjoying this online space so far, hope to meet and talk to more awesome people on here.
Also some sample pictures I like (with alt-text, of course).