Spät dran, aber das schwirrt seit ein paar Monaten in meinem Hirn rum:
#DDay #OperationOverlord #OmahaBeach #Antifa #AntifaSticker #NazisRaus #FckNzs #AntifaStickerBot
Spät dran, aber das schwirrt seit ein paar Monaten in meinem Hirn rum:
#DDay #OperationOverlord #OmahaBeach #Antifa #AntifaSticker #NazisRaus #FckNzs #AntifaStickerBot
Speaking as:
a) #antifa for >10 years in (Eastern) Germany and
b) a historian researching the Early Modern Period up to the 20th century (in particular #antisemitism)
Things are bad and will get much worse, before they get better.
We need to be alert to vigilant. Not to prevent stuff, but to see it coming and react accordingly.
There is and will be much need for #MutualAid and for #Kindness to each other - and for being rigorous against fascism in all its forms.
#SiamoTuttiAntifascisti ⚔️🛡️
American political thought is marred by either-or thinking. This way of thinking has nothing to do with ableist notions of intelligence, that "life of the mind" which elites think will save us, but instead has everything to do with life of the heart. Not everything is a trolley problem. In the words of Thich Nhat Hanh, "One arrow can save two birds at the same time—if the arrow strikes the branch, both birds will fly away." How will you shoot your arrow?
We all have vulnerable people in our lives.
Tell them your phone number, landline if you have one, personal email, home address.
Let them know what you're down for, how many people you can house for a few days or longer, and if you have external storage locker space.
#bcpoli #vanpoli #cdnpoli #antifa #acab #BigHands #fascism #punchnazis
不论您是哪种“主义者”,都应该能理解的基本局势 ——
𝖎𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖕𝖔𝖗𝖙: 本帖希望能以参与者的立场重申一些事情,而不是站队。
首先需要再次明确的是:当前的世界冲突并不是沿着国界进行的 - 就如我们在一年前战争总结中强调的,尽管表面上看起来像是国家在参与,但实际上并不是,故而解决方案也不在国家层面上。
在目前大众的视角上,这是两个截然相反的未来计划之间的冲突 - “根据施瓦布”的全球项目和MAGA版法西斯项目。这两个项目对人类来说都不是好兆头,都是对这个世界已然出现的难以管理的复杂性以及在任何复杂程度上对被管理对象的控制循环的错误的反应和回应,而非解决方案。尽管类似局面不是新鲜事,历史上多次出现。
#新秩序 #无政府主义 #新自由主义资本主义 #法西斯 #Antifa #anarchism #neoliberalcapitalism #fascism