Please leave the leaves. And make a vow: no more leaf blowers!
(To my US followers 🤫 ) I wrote: "Obviously, the immensely rich #diversity of choices offers evolutionary advantages for a wide variety of environments." I'm just writing about #moss sex. 😁 Without Newspeak. 💪
I'm proud to use the so-called "flagged" words ▶️
Yes, my podcast comeback episode will be about #Moss!
#mosstodon #NatureMatchCuts #podcast #DEI #forbiddenWords #NFI #biology #bryology #ecology #biodiversity #ReconnectWithNature #fascination
How Trump’s Federal Funding and Hiring Freezes Are Leaving America Vulnerable to Catastrophic Wildfire
Uncertainty over funding and hiring stemming from the president’s executive orders has limited wildfire training and postponed work to reduce flammable vegetation. It has also led some firefighters to leave the force, their colleagues said.
#News #Wildfires #Trump #USPolitics #Climate #Biodiversity #Environment