@board #Fedi 安利大会
Hi there, kind #fedizens 👋
Time for reintroductions. I have been a janitor on the #fedi for a couple of years, mopping floors, plumbing toilets, fixing intercoms. That kind of work. While satisfying in itself, it is unpaid and looked down upon, unthankful work.
So now I am reorientating. Don't wanna work for free anymore, can't even. I need food to help improve the world :)
Unsure where I'll walk, I put dreams first. And can gift you short introduction nuggets, as I know more.
After 10 years of doing hard janitoring duties for our collective commons I'm finally able to pause, step back, and relax. To assess where I am in life, and realign accordingly.
Our distraction-based economy has become so chaotic and info-bombarded, that our contributions can no longer find those of other people timely enough to make 1 + 1 equal two.
Time for proper self-reflection.
Which dreams are worth walking?
I'll be back soon #fedi o/
With a fresh reshuffled deck.
I'd like to take 2 seconds this morning and thank all the #commons janitors who do the ungrateful and unseen work of trying to increase #fedi's #cohesion and #culture.
#Janitors are #People who find it important to connect people. They spread bits of #information they find to other people for whom it may be useful. Usually in hopes that #attraction occurs between formerly unrelated parties, such as #stimulating a #collaboration between #fediverse projects.
Janitors *weave* #SocialFabric.. ✊