看过 胜利属于比姆 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕
為看過第一部印度民主題材給五星。印度同事的推薦。好好笑,他掛在嘴邊的一句話是印度沒有希望,中國才有希望。週一返工正好問問他,不準拍這樣的片子的地方像是有希望的樣子嗎?哈哈……豆瓣條目現在採用的片名 杰伊·比姆 是嚴重的誤譯。Jai Bhim 是對印度憲法撰寫者、廢除種姓制度活動家 Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar 致敬的一個政治口號,而非人名。Jai 意為 Long live ,所以是“Bhim萬歲” “勝利屬於Bhim”的意思。據同事講,B. R. Ambedkar 是“不可觸碰”低種姓出身,是他將"投票權無關性別、出身、宗教等等身份"寫入憲法的。在印度的政治生活中,Jai Bhim 代表著反抗不公不義制度的精神。說起選舉穆迪大敗,他說他們不能海外投票,但是他真的很想投這一票…他說得很自然輕巧,完全感受不到對面的老鐘的笑容突然僵硬,且感情受到了深深的傷害。真的,聽到他說投票決定國家命運的時候,完全沒想到會激動到鼻子發酸、熱淚盈眶。
Shaken #Baby Syndrome Has Found New Life in Courts as Abusive Head Trauma. One Family Is Fighting Their Son’s Diagnosis.
Exonerations and new #science continue to raise questions about shaken baby syndrome, a diagnosis that lives on under a different name: “abusive head trauma.” Critics say the name deflects scrutiny while leaving #parents vulnerable to criminal charges.
#News #Parenting #Children #Family #Hospital #SocialWork #Police #Crime
Among our top stories of 2024:
Police knew she was selling fake Percocet but did not stop her. His mother sought the right treatment for his addiction but couldn’t find it. Two teens got caught up in a system unprepared to handle kids on either side of the drug trade.
#Law #Crime #Teen #Drugs #Addiction #Trauma #Parenting #Police
Alaska judges granted 50 delays over seven years before the trial of Fred Tom Hurley III — accused of sexually assaulting two women in broad daylight — finally began last month.
In that time, both of the victims died.
Join the Texas Observer in conversation with author Jessica Pishko on February 5th for this FREE event at Alienated Majesty Books.
We'll discuss Pishko's provocative and important book about the dangers posed by extremist sheriffs in the United States.
RSVP: https://buff.ly/4gzkA5r
#events #books #bookstodon @bookstodon #Austin #Texas #police #extremism #CriminalJustice #law
I'm not content warning this, it's just a #woman in her underwear. Also, that would be irony
This is #Tehran’s Islamic Azad University on Nov 2
She was assaulted by #Iran's #morality #police because her #hijab was "improper"
So she just stripped
She was arrested and I don't think it will go well for her. Iran's weak, insecure, moronic hangups over #women's clothing is vicious cruel and violent. They kill women for showing their hair. It's all so fucking stupid
Hoping to “Trump Proof” Students’ Civil Rights, Illinois Lawmakers Aim to End Police Ticketing at School
The latest version of a bill spurred by a 2022 ProPublica-Chicago Tribune investigation would explicitly prevent police from ticketing students for violations such as vaping or truancy, and require districts to track and disclose police activity.