For today's #ThankYouTuesday, I want to express my gratitude to someone I will refer to only by his first name, Gabriele. Many years ago, I was stuck in a job where I was exploited by my employer—the only one I had ever had. Gabriele, who attended one of my Linux courses about 20 years ago, saw my potential and offered me life-changing advice: 'You have a passion for what you do. Don't waste your time on someone who uses it only for their own profit. Start your own business, I'll help by introducing you to some of my clients, and we can offer the Open Source solutions that excite you so much. You're young enough to try.' I took the leap. It wasn't easy, but ultimately, I succeeded in doing the work I love and choosing the technical solutions I prefer. I'm not a great salesman and often charge too little, feeling almost guilty for asking people to pay for something I enjoy so much. But tonight, I want to say thank you to Gabriele. He might not read this, but my gratitude remains.
For today's #ThankYouTuesday, I want to thank @gyptazy
His BSD Pub is a weekly event of great interest to me, managed with precision and a will to create a true and solid community, in the pure spirit of the BSD Cafe idea.
Additionally, yesterday he helped me with some insights regarding the latest article on my blog, preventing potential questions that might have arisen.
So, thank you for everything!
#Community #BSDPub #Gratitude #Support #BSDCafe #ThankYou #TechCommunity
They've read everything I noted, suggested changes, and adapted the code to make it work optimally even on my slow VM. If all open source developers were as kind and helpful as they have been with me, the world would be an idyllic place.
A shoutout to @stefano too - using snac2 was his idea, and he's responsible for the technical implementation of the instance.
And thanks to everyone who makes my timeline interesting and complete - without you, all of this would be utterly pointless.
#Fediverse #Snac2 #ThankYou
Today marks 7 months since I made the BSD Cafe public. These days, I'm quite busy and don't have much time to dedicate, but when I want to relax in the evening, I open one of the interaction tools and see wonderful people, great conversations, and interesting topics. I just want to say thank you to you, friends who are part of the BSD Cafe, and to all of you, friends of the BSD Cafe.
15 million users in the Fediverse, now.
No ad-blocker needed.
Zero ads.
My data stays on my server.
Interactions are genuine, driven by people's desire, not an algorithm pushing for conflict to boost engagement (and ad sales).
Nobody's here just because it's trendy. If you're here, you want to be here.
The best social media experience I've had in years.
Thank you to all of you, among these 15 million accounts, who have helped make this a wonderful place to be.
#Fediverse #Privacy #NoAds #GenuineInteractions #Decentralized #ThankYou #Mastodon
For today's #ThankYouTuesday, I want to express my gratitude to the entire open-source community. Past, present, and future. I owe so much to what many developers, sysadmins, enthusiasts have built and maintained. I've always believed that culture should be free and accessible to all, and the OSS community has made it possible to study, learn, and implement complex and professional solutions without the need for closed systems, licenses, or expensive "certification" courses.
To the Open Source community, heartfelt thanks!
They are modifying the software based on the needs of FediMeteo – something amazing that shows the quality of the person involved.
#snac #ThankYou
Thank you to an art lover from the United States for purchasing a sticker of the moon viewing cats haikuart by @MarjoleinRotsteeg (haiku) and me (art) in my Redbubble shop.
#thankyou #sale #art #painting #cats #caturday #CatLovers #pets #cute #animals #kitten #AnimalArt #PetPortrait #BlackCats #ArtForSale #giftideas #watercolor #watercolour #aquarell #aquarelle #TraditionalArt #kunst #cat #artist #arte #kitty #kittens #katze #CatsOfMastodon #MastoArt #haiku #haikuart