Don Quijote de la Mancha
Miguel de Cervantes
Los mejores libros jamás escritos Edición de Florencio Sevilla Arroyo, catedrático de Filología Española en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid«Contra cuerdos y contra locos está obligado cualquier caballero andante a volver por la honra de las mujeres.»Un éxito desde el momento de su publicación en dos partes (1605 y 1615), Don Quijote de la Mancha es probablemente la mayor novela jamás escrita. Cuenta la historia de un hidalgo que, enloquecido por la lectura excesiva, recorre España en busca de aventura, justicia y gloria. Las múltiples interpretaciones de la obra reflejan su riqueza de significados y contenidos: una crítica de las novelas de caballerías, la contraposición entre realismo e idealismo, o una sátira de las ilusiones cortesanas. Con las divertidas andanzas de su ingenioso protagonista, Cervantes retrató la complejidad de lo humano y dio al arte literario su más alta expresión.Esta ediciónincluye una introducción que contextualiza la obra, un aparato de notas, una cronología y una bibliografía esencial, así como también varias propuestas de discusión y debate en torno a la lectura. Está al cuidado de Florencio Sevilla Arroyo, catedrático de literatura española de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Ten years ago, the Academies of the Spanish Language conceived of a Don Quixote for everyone. Now, it is being re-released—in a limited edition—to commemorate the 400th anniversary of Cervantes’s death. 2015 and 2016 bring with them two special Cervantes anniversaries. The celebration of the 400th Anniversary of the Publication of the Second Part of Don Quixote in 2015 will be followed in 2016 by the Commemoration of the 400th Anniversary of Miguel de Cervantes’s Death. As they did more than a decade ago, the Academies of the Spanish Language and Alfaguara unite for this celebration with a re-edition of the universal classic directed at the whole Spanish-speaking world. This edition boasts a new prologue written specially for the occasion by Darío Villanueva, the director of the Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE) (RAE) and president of the Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española (ASALE). It is complemented by a glossary made up of seven thousand words, expressions, phrases and proverbs, each explained according to its precise meaning in Cervantes’s text. The first edition of this Quixote became a huge sales success, unprecedented for a classic work. More than three million copies, distributed in Spain and the Americas, made it the most widespread in history. The contextualizing notes about the work, prepared by Francisco Rico, contribute to its educational character and its orientation toward a diverse and non-specialized public. It also includes a series of complementary studies, written by some of the primary experts in Cervantes’s consummate book. As such, Mario Vargas Llosa analyzes the modernity of Don Quixote in “A Novel for the 21st Century;” Francisco Ayala reflects upon the construction of the novel’s characters in “The Invention of the Quixote;” and Martín de Riquer analyzes the work in the biographical context of the author in “Cervantes and Quixote.” For their part, José Manuel Blecua (“Don Quixote in the History of the Spanish Language”), Guillermo Rojo (“Cervantes as a Linguistic Model”), José Antonio Pascual (“The Linguistic Registers of Don Quixote: The Ironic Distance from Reality”), Margit Frenk (“Orality, Writing, Reading”), and Claudio Guillén (“The Course of Cervantes’s novel: Perspectives and Dialogues”) deal with different aspects related to the Spanish language in Cervantes’s work. Joining all this is the current director of the Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE), Darío Villanueva, who wants to “take advantage of the golden opportunity that the release of this new edition offers […] to give an explanation—my explanation—of some of the reasons for the high recognition that Don Quixote has gained from the date of its publication until today, as well as its clear modernity,” before reminding us that Don Quixote was the work chosen in 2002 as the best novel of all time, even ahead of In Search of Lost Time by Proust and War and Peace by Tolstoy, in a survey conducted by the Swiss Writers’ Association of 100 authors from around the world.
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堂吉诃德 上海文艺出版社 2024
魔侠传 2021
堂吉诃德 湖南文艺出版社 2021
堂吉诃德 湖南文艺出版社 2021
堂吉诃德 上海译文出版社 2021
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堂吉诃德 湖南文艺出版社 2020
堂吉诃德 广西师范大学出版社 2020
堂吉诃德 2019
堂吉诃德 北京燕山出版社 2019
堂吉诃德(上下) 人民文学出版社 2019
Don Quixote Vintage Classics 2018
堂吉诃德(套装全2册) 中国友谊出版公司 2017
杨绛译堂吉诃德 人民文学出版社 2015
Dom Quixote de La Mancha Publicações Dom Quixote 2015
堂吉诃德 人民文学出版社 2015
堂吉诃德 北京时代华文书局 2015
Don Quijote de la Mancha Ediciones Destino 2015
堂吉诃德(上下) 人民文学出版社 2013
堂·吉诃德(上、下) 译林出版社 2013
堂吉诃德(上下) 上海译文出版社 2013
堂吉诃德 漓江出版社 2012
堂.吉诃德-世界十大文豪(上.下) 译林出版社 2012
堂吉诃德(全2册) 湖南文艺出版社 2012
Don Quixote Signet Classics 2011
堂吉诃德 (上下册) 2011
堂吉诃德 中央编译出版社 2011
堂吉诃德 译林出版社 2011
堂吉诃德 长江文艺出版社 2011
堂吉诃德 上海译文出版社 2010
堂吉诃德 光明日报出版社 2009
唐吉诃德 2008
唐吉诃德 华夏出版社 2007
堂吉诃德 上海译文出版社 2007
堂吉诃德 长江文艺出版社 2006
堂吉诃德(上下) 2006
堂吉诃德 上海译文出版社 2006
唐吉诃德 岳麓书社 2005
Don Quixote Harper Perennial 2005
堂吉诃德 哈尔滨出版社 2005
Don Quixote Penguin Books 2003
Don Quixote Harpercollins 2003
堂吉诃德(上下) 人民文学出版社 2003
堂吉诃德 译林出版社 2003
堂吉诃德 上海译文出版社 2002
堂吉诃德 译林出版社 2002
唐吉诃德 2002
堂吉诃德 人民文学出版社 2001
堂吉诃德 译林出版社 2001
奇想联翩的绅士堂吉诃德.德.拉曼恰 北京十月文艺出版社 2001
奇想联翩的绅士堂吉诃德·德·拉曼恰(上下) 北京十月文艺出版社 2001
唐吉诃德(上下册) 北京燕山出版社 2001
堂吉诃德(上下) 人民文学出版社 2000
Don Quijote W. W. Norton & Company 1999
堂吉诃德(上下册) 人民文学出版社 1995
堂吉诃德 人民文学出版社 1995
外国长篇小说名著精粹.1605-1831卷 1994
堂吉诃德(上下) 人民文学出版社 1987
堂吉诃德 人民文学出版社 1987
堂吉诃德(上下) 人民文学出版社 1987
堂吉诃德(上下) 人民文学出版社 1978
堂吉诃德(共两册) 人民文学出版社 1978
堂吉诃德(上下) 1978
堂吉诃德(上下) 人民文学出版社 1978