Don Quixote
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de/ Grossman, Edith/ Bloom, Harold 译者: Grossman, Edith
Edith Grossman's definitive English translation of the Spanish masterpiece. Widely regarded as the world's first modern novel, and one of the funniest and most tragic books ever written, "Don Quixote" chronicles the famous picaresque adventures of the noble knight-errant Don Quixote of La Mancha and his faithful squire, Sancho Panza, as they travel through sixteenth-century Spain. Unless you read Spanish, you've never read "Don Quixote." "Though there have been many valuable English translations of "Don Quixote, " I would commend Edith Grossman's version for the extraordinarily high quality of her prose. The Knight and Sancho are so eloquently rendered by Grossman that the vitality of their characterization is more clearly conveyed than ever before. There is also an astonishing contextualization of Don Quixote and Sancho in Grossman's translation that I believe has not been achieved before. The spiritual atmosphere of a Spain already in steep decline can be felt throughout, thanks to her heightened quality of diction. Grossman might be called the Glenn Gould of translators, because she, too, articulates every note. Reading her amazing mode of finding equivalents in English for Cervantes's darkening vision is an entrance into a further understanding of why this great book contains within itself all the novels that have followed in its sublime wake." From the Introduction by Harold Bloom Miguel de Cervantes was born on September 29, 1547, in Alcala de Henares, Spain. At twenty-three he enlisted in the Spanish militia and in 1571 fought against the Turks in the battle of Lepanto, where a gunshot wound permanently crippled his left hand. He spent four more years at sea and then another five as a slave after being captured by Barbary pirates. Ransomed by his family, he returned to Madrid but his disability hampered him; it was in debtor's prison that he began to write "Don Quixote." Cervantes wrote many other works, including poems and plays, but he remains best known as the author of "Don Quixote." He died on April 23, 1616.
Don Quixote None None
堂吉诃德 上海文艺出版社 2024
堂吉诃德 湖南文艺出版社 2021
堂吉诃德 湖南文艺出版社 2021
堂吉诃德 上海译文出版社 2021
魔侠传 2021
堂吉诃德 中信出版集团 2020
堂吉诃德 广西师范大学出版社 2020
堂吉诃德 湖南文艺出版社 2020
堂吉诃德 2019
堂吉诃德(上下) 人民文学出版社 2019
堂吉诃德 北京燕山出版社 2019
Don Quixote Vintage Classics 2018
堂吉诃德(套装全2册) 中国友谊出版公司 2017
Don Quijote de la Mancha Alfaguara 2016
堂吉诃德 北京时代华文书局 2015
Don Quijote de la Mancha Ediciones Destino 2015
Dom Quixote de La Mancha Publicações Dom Quixote 2015
堂吉诃德 人民文学出版社 2015
杨绛译堂吉诃德 人民文学出版社 2015
堂吉诃德(上下) 上海译文出版社 2013
堂·吉诃德(上、下) 译林出版社 2013
堂吉诃德(上下) 人民文学出版社 2013
堂吉诃德(全2册) 湖南文艺出版社 2012
堂吉诃德 漓江出版社 2012
堂.吉诃德-世界十大文豪(上.下) 译林出版社 2012
堂吉诃德 长江文艺出版社 2011
堂吉诃德 (上下册) 2011
堂吉诃德 中央编译出版社 2011
堂吉诃德 译林出版社 2011
Don Quixote Signet Classics 2011
堂吉诃德 上海译文出版社 2010
堂吉诃德 光明日报出版社 2009
唐吉诃德 2008
堂吉诃德 上海译文出版社 2007
唐吉诃德 华夏出版社 2007
堂吉诃德(上下) 2006
堂吉诃德 上海译文出版社 2006
堂吉诃德 长江文艺出版社 2006
堂吉诃德 哈尔滨出版社 2005
Don Quixote Harper Perennial 2005
唐吉诃德 岳麓书社 2005
堂吉诃德 译林出版社 2003
堂吉诃德(上下) 人民文学出版社 2003
Don Quixote Penguin Books 2003
唐吉诃德 2002
堂吉诃德 译林出版社 2002
堂吉诃德 上海译文出版社 2002
奇想联翩的绅士堂吉诃德.德.拉曼恰 北京十月文艺出版社 2001
堂吉诃德 人民文学出版社 2001
唐吉诃德(上下册) 北京燕山出版社 2001
堂吉诃德 译林出版社 2001
奇想联翩的绅士堂吉诃德·德·拉曼恰(上下) 北京十月文艺出版社 2001
堂吉诃德(上下) 人民文学出版社 2000
Don Quijote W. W. Norton & Company 1999
堂吉诃德 人民文学出版社 1995
堂吉诃德(上下册) 人民文学出版社 1995
外国长篇小说名著精粹.1605-1831卷 1994
堂吉诃德(上下) 人民文学出版社 1987
堂吉诃德(上下) 人民文学出版社 1987
堂吉诃德 人民文学出版社 1987
堂吉诃德(上下) 1978
堂吉诃德(上下) 人民文学出版社 1978
堂吉诃德(共两册) 人民文学出版社 1978
堂吉诃德(上下) 人民文学出版社 1978