Letters to a Young Poet
[奥地利] 莱内·马利亚·里尔克 译者: Mark Harman
In 1902, a nineteen-year-old aspiring poet named Franz Kappus wrote to Rilke, then twenty-six, seeking advice on his poetry. Kappus, a student at a military academy in Vienna similar to the one Rilke had attended, was about to embark on a career as an officer, for which he had little inclination. Touched by the innocence and forthrightness of the student, Rilke responded to Kappus' letter and began an intermittent correspondence that would last until 1908. Letters to a Young Poet collects the ten letters that Rilke wrote to Kappus. A book often encountered in adolescence, it speaks directly to the young. Rilke offers unguarded thoughts on such diverse subjects as creativity, solitude, self-reliance, living with uncertainty, the shallowness of irony, the uselessness of criticism, career choices, sex, love, God, and art. Letters to a Young Poet is, finally, a life manual. Art, Rilke tells the young poet in his final letter to him, is only another way of living. With the same artistry that marks his widely acclaimed translations of Kafka's The Castle and Amerika: The Missing Person, Mark Harman captures the lyrical and spiritual dimensions of Rilke's prose. In his introduction, he provides biographical contexts for the reader and discusses the challenges of translating Rilke. This lovely hardcover edition makes a perfect gift for any young person starting out in life or for those interested in finding a clear articulation of Rilke's thoughts on life and art.
I. February 17, 1903
II. April 5, 1903
III. April 23, 1903
IV. July 16, 1903
V. October 29, 1903
VI. December 23, 1903
VII. May 14, 1904
VIII. August 12, 1904
IX. November 4, 1904
X. December 26, 1908
给一个青年诗人的十封信 天津人民出版社 2022
给青年诗人的十封信 上海人民出版社 2019
给一个青年诗人的信 2019
给一个青年诗人的十封信 北京出版社 2019
给一个青年诗人的信 华东师范大学出版社 2018
给青年诗人的信 天津人民出版社 2018
Letters to a Young Poet Penguin Classics 2016
给青年诗人的信 雅众文化/云南人民出版社 2015
Letters to a Young Poet Penguin Group 2013
给青年诗人的信 上海译文出版社 2011
给一个青年诗人的十封信 上海外语教育出版社 2010
Briefe an einen jungen Dichter Anaconda 2009
给青年诗人的信 上海译文出版社 2005
Letters to a Young Poet Modern Library 2001
给一个青年诗人的十封信 生活·读书·新知三联书店 1994
Letters to a Young Poet Vintage 1986
Letters to a Young Poet W. W. Norton & Co. 1963
给一个青年诗人的十封信 江苏凤凰文艺出版社 None